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TechMatch januar 2012

Læs blandt andet om:

  • Aerobic fermenter for the processing of biodegradable waste
  • Hard waste water treatment by Direct Anodic Advanced Oxidation Process (D.A.O.)
  • Prefab modular wastewater treatment system

TechMatch februar 2012
Læs blandt om:
  • Novel fish pass for weirs with the additional value of generating hydropower which meets the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive
  • Ultrafiltration and Microfiltration Membranes for Water Treatment
  • Process and surface water treatment by a high capacity flocculation process with integrated lamella separator

TechMatch marts 2012
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TechMatch april 2012

Læs blandt andet om:

  • Freshness Indicator Specifi cally Developed for SeafoodPacking
  • Wastewater treatment plant in compact constructionusable for installation in container.A German enterprise works as highly specialised manufacturerof transport tanks made of steel. To extend its portfoliothe enterprise seeks for an innovative wastewater treatment having unique selling proposition. A high standard isrequired which can be completed with the own know-how. Atechnical cooperation is sought.
  • New system for water treatment and grey waterrecycling.German company off ers a new water treatment system thatproduces drinking water from any type of water or wastewater. The system is based on patented hollow membranes that are integrated in a modular system that can be tailoredto the respective requirements. No chemicals are needed. Water treatment companies and tank producers are sought for commercial agreements with technical assistance
TechMatch maj 2012

Læs blandt om:

  • Her kan du blandt andet læse om teknologi der måler vandflow og løbende sender data til videre behandling for overvågning.
  • Videre om en ny effektiv fiske-passage metode - der tillader dæmning/opstemning men samtidig lader fisk passere.
  • Om en dansk institution der tilbyder at verificere ( i henhold til standarder hår jeg ud fra) miljøteknologier efter europæisk eller kinesisk norm.
  • Om en ny effektiv og lavenergi udgave af omvendt osmose (membrantekbologi).
  • Og meget mere

TechMatch august 2012

Læs blandt andet om:

  • Naturlige antibakterielle og antiparsitale additiver til fiskefoder (Israelsk firma søger partner til afprøvning bl.a.
  • Slamreduktions metode
  • Metode til at trække næringsstoffer ud af slamvandet

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