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"Aquaculture, not the Internet, represents the most promising investment opportunity of the 21st Century."

- Peter Drucker, Management Expert & Economist


Fiskeri og akvakultur i Rumænien får en indsprøjtning på 2,3 milliarder kroner

Den Rumænske regering besluttede først i november at bevilge den nationale del af de midler der er afsat til Fiskeri- og akvakultur udviklingsprogrammet for perioden 2007 - 2013. Det drejer sig om 77 millioner ?. Regeringens bevilling betyder at de allerede reserverede 230 millioner ? fra EU-Kommissionen nu frigives. Rumænien råder således over mere end 2,3 milliarder danske kroner under EFF-programmet (den Euripæiske Fiskerifond). Pressemelding fra 'Financiarul' (på engelsk) herunder:

Romanian state provides 22M Euros to European Fisheries Fund co-finances project
The Romanian national contribution provided from the state budget to the projects co-financed from the European Fisheries Fund will amount to some 77 million euros over 2007-2013, the Government said in a press release on November 4.
The Government at its meeting on November 4 approved the framework for the enactment of the procedures on evaluation, selection, contract, acquisition, payment, control and monitoring relevant to the projects co-financed from the Fund through the Operational Programme on Fisheries (OPF) 2007-2013 for the full duration of the programme.
The co-funding assigned Romania by the European Fisheries Fund for the same period totals 230 million euros, following the European Commission's approval of the Operational Programme on Fisheries 2007-2013 on Dec. 14, 2007.
The institutions directly involved in the implementation of the normative act provisions are the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Rural Development and Fisheries Payments Agency and the National Agency for Fisheries and Aquaculture.
The OPF 2007-2013 was drafted in such a manner that the financial contribution allotted through the European Fisheries Fund will complete the financial support granted on a national, regional and local level, thus being integrated in the European Union's priorities.
The OPF aims to achieve a competitive, modern and dynamic fishery sector, based on sustainable fishing and aquaculture activities that take into account the environmental protection, social development and economic welfare, the release stressed.
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