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"Aquaculture, not the Internet, represents the most promising investment opportunity of the 21st Century."

- Peter Drucker, Management Expert & Economist


Indkaldelse af ansøgninger fra parter med interesse for standadisering

Nordisk Innovationscenter indkalder ansøgninger fra små og mellemstore virksomheder der måtte have interesse i at medvirke til at gøre standardiseringsarbejdet mere lettilgængeligt og dermed brugen af standarder mere anvendt.

Der stilles en pulje på 15 millioner NOK til rådighed og der ydes 50% i tilskud, mens egenindsatsen vil udgøre de resterende 50%.

Eksempler på indsatser:
  • Developing new and better information systems and communication tools that could reach out to SMEs
  • Improving the position of standardisation in SME training/education
  • Raise knowledge of standardisation among service industry organisations/ Environmental technology industry
  • Raising knowledge of standardisation as a strategic tool for image building
  • Evaluating the potential of increased service standardisation within a specific sector
  • Raising knowledge of standardisation as a strategic tool to build consumer trust
  • Creating methods for evaluating standardisation projects and their involvement on SMEs
  • Creating methods based on best practice on how to increase awareness of standardisation
  • Addressing barriers for and potential of increased standardisation within Clean Technology
  • Raising awareness and knowledge among the financiers of SMEs such as venture capitalist, business angles, banks and government sponsored loan programmes
  • Creating new standardisation forums and networks that would defend the SME interests in standardisation
Ansøgningsfristen er 26. oktober

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