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"Aquaculture, not the Internet, represents the most promising investment opportunity of the 21st Century."

- Peter Drucker, Management Expert & Economist


Nye arter i opdræt for 88 millioner kroner

12 europæiske lande er gået sammen for at undersøge muligheder for at få "nye arter" i opdræt. Sandart, Multe, Helleflynder eller Kingfish kan dog næppe betegnes som nye arter i opdræt.......

Twelve countries in the European Union (EU) will launch an important project in December that aims to improve the production of emerging aquaculture species in the community region.

Furthermore, it is expected that the initiative will help obtain new products and gain access to new markets.

It is the project Diversify with a total budget amounting to EUR 11.83 million to run it for five years under the coordination of the research centre Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Greece.

On the part of Spain, the scientists of the Aquaculture Technology Centre of Andalusia (Ctaqua) form part of the working team that will combine biological, technological and socio-economic research.

Diversify project "aims to become a supportive pillar for the diversification of the aquaculture industry, and at the same time, to help increase production through the development of new products and markets," reported Ctaqua.

The experts identified several resources for their biological and economic potential: croaker (Argyrosomus regius), yellowtail (Seriola dumerili), Atlantic wreckfish (Polyprion americanus), Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus), striped mullet (Mugilcephalus) and pike perch (Sanders lucioperca).

These emerging species present a rapid growth and/or large size. Besides, they are traded in large sizes and can be processed in a wide range of formats to provide consumers with a variety of species and new value- added products.

The project will cover topics related to reproduction, nutrition, animal sanitary and market access, among others.

The developers of Diversify hope to understand the new biological models and design appropriate management methods and applicable technology.

Ctaqua scientists, in particular, will participate in nutritional experiments with mullets, and the socio-economic work package will collaborate on developing new products and on evaluating consumers and markets.

Furthermore, the Centre team will be responsible for the tasks of releasing information on the project and the activities taking place.

Ctaqua has a total budget of EUR 254,000.

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