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"Aquaculture, not the Internet, represents the most promising investment opportunity of the 21st Century."

- Peter Drucker, Management Expert & Economist


Received comment to the CEFAS report on European Aquaculture Expansion possibilities

I reckon that CEFAS has received a lot of comment - but not all of them has been sent just to CEFAS. Daniel Tabacaru from a sturgeon farm in Romania has sent the following to all participants in the workshops:

Dear CEFAS Colleagues,

I read carefully the draft presented, of curiosity to see if this document have any reference to the necessity to stimulate applied research, on new clean technologies. Unfortunately, I cannot believe that such a concern does the interest of this document...

I also looked for decoding keys concept of innovation and I found that it is a term with too mainstream interpretation.

Even gymnasium pupils know from history of the technological era that technological developments have been the basic premise of economic development. If it were not so - likely that today mankind would drive cars equipped with steam engines. Or computers today would have the volume of a house, and would work with punched cards.

Unfortunately, even an institution such as EATiP, which you mentioned in this document as a platform for innovation, focuses too little on real innovation.

I want to be very clearly understood:

I think innovation is needed in simplifying administrative procedures and EATip fact that he mentions in his latest report, or the coordination of spatial planning or enhancing competitiveness or even promoting conditions of fair competition. (Similar with your draft!)

I think the space in which innovation ideas were perverted from its primary purpose, to an interpretation that finds its place more in the reports and documents prepared today than in the concrete life of the industry. We need innovation in all areas ... but, we forget the core things!

Just that the term innovation is under Oxford Dictionary - a solution to a technical problem by technical improvement and rationalization and modernization of imposed solutions.

Without exaggerating too much, specifically the European aquaculture in the Danube basin is applying the same technologies to increase aquatic organisms - as in the 16th century, plus just a set of modern tools at hand.

It makes sense to have questions on the evolution of this industry, in this century when we have a rate of less than 0.1% of intensive systems and a rate of 99.9% for extensive systems. (Exaggeration!)

The misfortune is that none of these systems are environmentally friendly.

In Europe we have hundreds of great research topics in biology, bio-chemistry and fish farming or aquaculture.

In fact we have hundreds of unnecessary reports that are not directly applicable in everyday life fish farmers.

If looking today for a guide to the fish farmers seriously, and immediately applicable you'll find guides to promote subsistence aquaculture in third world countries but not one that is modern, contemporary and accessible.

RAS systems that would allow development of the industry today is in decline, instead of being motor development.

The reasons for this decline is known, especially in England, France and Germany, not to speak of my country or of the Central Eastern Europe, because bad design recirculating farms, made good house with a lack of understanding of species, the energy requirements for thermophiles species and not least the market peculiarities and perhaps what is the most serious food safety standards for consumers.

Companies 'reputation' that provides design and implementation of aquaculture farms should be certified by a body as EATiP, just based on what is new in the field of technology, or why not the new Water Framework Directive and Marine Strategy, in such a way that amateurship and dilettantism not be possible to meet in the future.

I also think that farms should be certified on the basis of understandable, such as environmental pollution, the quality of the aquatic environment, energy consumption, security of processing aquatic product, etc...

We are the generation that realizes that we almost destroyed our planet with greed and indifference. From here on we have no excuse if we pollute indefinitely or impoverished continent of the resources it has.

And water is one of the most important resources!

Hoping with respect that you will enter a small sub-chapter in the chapter 9 Future & Emerging Technologies, about real innovation, the technology, who can protect the environment, which means not only the passive contemplation ridiculous situation in which is European aquaculture, but one that may be the future of this industry, thank you for opportunity to be with you in efforts to develop such a document.

Daniel Tabacaru

CEO - Innovative Farm Caviar Factory


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